Collections of the Musée de Normandie
The bequest of the Musée de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie (Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Normandy)
Romanesque sculptures and architectural fragments

Caen, church of St Gilles.

It was in a deed of gift by Duke William to the Abbey of the Trinité in 1082 that the church of Saint-Gilles is mentioned for the first time. However the excavations carried out at the end of the 80's have shown that this church was built on the foundations of an older building, which was probably built during the first half of the 10th century. It was during the bombardments of 1944 that the church of Saint-Gilles disappeared almost entirely with the exception of three side chapels of the gothic period which can still be seen today.


Caen, church of Saint-Gilles : lapidary fragments

Small column
12th century

Small column
12th century