The church of Saint-Michel in Tordouet was largely rebuilt in the 19th century. All the remains of the Romanesque building of the end of the 11th century is the former choir, transformed into a sacristy, and a remarkable tower with three octagonal floors resting on a square base. This type of octagonal tower is very rare in Normandy. Two other examples can be seen in Tamerville and Drubec. The former small choir consists of a bay and an apse, which is semi-circular on the inside and has three sides on the outside. A fire-breathing quadruped is engraved on the intrados of a double arch.
- Caumont, Arcisse (de). - Statistique monumentale
du Calvados, Hardel, Caen, 1859, 4 vol., T. III, p. 42
- Musset, Lucien. - Normandie romane, Zodiaque, La Pierre-Qui-Vire.,
1987, 2 vol., T. 1, p. 42