From the 9th century the site of Fauguernon located at a strategic point between the plateau of Lieuvin and the valley of Touques, was fortified against the Scandinavian invasions. A century later, Fauguernon was a large fiefdom of the Duchy but the castle was partly dismantled in the 12th century, by Geoffrey Plantagenet, and again in the 16th century by the governor of Normandy.
- Caumont, Arcisse de. - Statistique monumentale du
Calvados. - Caen : Hardel, 1859, III, p. 32-37
- Déterville, Philippe. - Richesses des châteaux du Pays d'Auge. -
Condé-sur-Noireau : Ch. Corlet, 1989, p. 109-113
- Rault, Fernand. "Le château de Fauguernon". Le Pays d'Auge,
nov. 1972, p. 15-18