At the heart of the Plain, the church of Notre-Dame de lAssomption in Sainte-Marie-du-Mont is located on a promontory that dominates they entire Bay of Veys. It was built in the 11th century, and significant campaigns of works were carried out on it during the period from the 14th to the 19th century which have changed its outline, especially touching the choir, side chapels and tower.
- Baylé, Maylis. " Sainte-Marie-du-Mont :
Eglise Notre-Dame ", dans Larchitecture normande au Moyen-Age ,
Condé-sur-Noireau :Editions Charles Corlet, Caen : Presses
universitaires de Caen, 1997, T. II, p. 105 à 107
- Musset, Lucien. Normandie romane, I, Basse-Normandie, Zodiaque, La
Pierre-Qui-Vire, 1987, p. 41
- Ponthaud, Marie-Suzanne (de). Baylé, Maylis. Galbrun, Brigitte. " LÉglise
Notre-Dame de lAssomption de Sainte-Marie-du-Mont ", Art de
Basse-Normandie, 3ème trimestre 1998, n° 115, 69 p
- Les siècles romans en Basse-Normandie, Art de Basse-Normandie, n° 92,
Printemps 1985, p. 120
- Since, Marie-Hélène. Art roman dans lest du Cotentin , Art
de Basse-Normandie, n° 68, 1er trimestre 1976, 28 p