Liste des sites du Cotentin

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(canton of Barneville-Carteret, Manche)

Chapel of Saint-Ergoueffe

    The chapel of Saint-Ergoueffe in Surtainville was a dependency of the English priory of Burton, before being attached in 1260 to the abbey of Saint Martin in Troarn.
The ruined chapel dates from the beginning of the 11th century. The walls of the nave present fish bone pattern bonding. The choir which has been destroyed only retains its chancel arch, whose capitals are decorated with fantastical animals.


- Asselin, R. – La chapelle de Saint Regouèfe à Surtainville (Manche), Imprimerie Pillu-Roland, Valognes, 1932, 16 p. (Extr. du Tome XI des Mémoires de la Société Archéologique de Valognes)
- Association " Les Chemins du Mont-Saint-Michel ". – Les chemins de pèlerinage dans la Manche. Pèlerins de saint Michel et de saint Jacques, Editions Ouest-France, Rennes, 1999, p. 85