Liste des sites du Cotentin

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(canton of Barneville-Carteret, Manche)

Church of Notre-Dame

    Located by the haven of Port-Bail, Notre-Dame is the former parish church now converted into an exhibition hall. It was perhaps originally part of a former monastic establishment referred to in the 7th century whose church was destroyed in 856 by the Vikings. The current church whose construction was begun in 1026 above all retains a 12th century choir from the Romanesque period with a vaulted 'cul-de-four' or semi-cupola apse and interesting capitals.


- Barros, Jean. - Le canton de Barneville-Carteret : Côte-des-Isles. I, le patrimoine. - Barneville : Ed. de la Côte des Isles. 1991
- Musset, Lucien. – Normandie romane, Zodiaque, La Pierre-Qui-Vire, 1987, T. 1, p. 38
- Ybert, Roland. - Les édifices religieux de Portbail, SAEP éditions, 1993