Liste des sites du Pays d'Auge cliquez ici pour consulter l'album photographique Saint-Arnoult
(Canton of Trouville-sur-Mer, Calvados)

Priory chapel

    At the foot of Mont Canisy lie the remains of the former parish church and of a priory chapel, linked to the Cluniac abbey of Longpont. The chapel which is located in the east dates in its entirety to the period of its foundation, i.e. 11th century. The significant slope of the terrain led to the establishment of a crypt under the building, which is largely visible from the outside. The crypt is covered with a tunnel vault which is very rare in Normandy. The chapel exists as a chancel with two bays. The walls, on the outside, retain traces of herringbone masonry. On the north side, the wall is pierced by very narrow windows and square putlog holes showing the use of scaffolding during the construction of the building. On the inside, the side walls have blind arcading with short columns. The east end was reconstructed in the 19th century, but retains traces of arcades identical to those on the side walls.


- Caumont, Arcisse (de). - Statistique monumentale du Calvados, Hardel, Caen, 1859, 4 vol., T. IV, p. 233 à 237
- Musset, Lucien. - Normandie romane, Zodiaque, La Roche-Qui-Vire, 1987, T. I, p. 40.
- Treuil-Demars, Martine. " Les églises romanes du nord du Pays d’Auge – Saint-Arnoult ", dans Le Pays d’Auge, octobre 1985, 35e année, n.° 19, p. 3 à 11