
Mili S. Pietro (Messina)

S. Maria


    This is a Basilian-Norman church, with one nave and a shrine with three apses, covered by three cupolas, of which the central one, placed on an octagonal tambour, has internal angular joints. These elements denote the first Norman-Byzantine structural experiments. Also in the decorations, of which some are polychromatic because of the use of red bricks, one can notice lancet arches with splayed arched lintels, sometime interleaved, like in the external paraments. The images show an overall view and the external details of the apse’s body with the cupolas.

Vittorio Noto

S. Bottari, "Chiese basiliane della Sicilia e della Calabria, in Bollettino Storico Messinese, 1 Messina, 1938

Melo Minnella Palermo