The Normans in the Mediterranean

Alexander, monk

Alexander, monk of St Bartholomew of Carpineto (? - early 13th cent.)

Chronica monasterii Sancti Bartholomei.

The chronicle of the monastery of St Bartholomew of Carpineto (in the province of Pescara, Abruzzi) relates the history of the Benedictine house from 963 until the early 13th century, presumably the date of the death of its author, the monk Alexander. It provides an interesting insight into the tensions caused by the arrival and settlement of the Normans in the region. The main purpose of the work, as Alexander - who had access to the documents kept in the monastery’s archives - stated in the interesting prologue, was to hand down to posterity the mass of documents regarding the monastery’s possessions, since they might deteriorate due to their age or neglect. In fact, most of the chronicle consists of the transcription of a vast number of documents (private, papal, royal) relating to concessions granted to the monastery.

Not surprisingly, Alexander’s politico-ideological position reflects the expediencies of the monastery. The interpretation of events is fundamentally pro-Norman as a result of the good relations that the Norman leaders maintained with the monastery (and the large donations they made). For example, Hugh Mamouzet was particular exalted, as were, later on, William I and William II.

Alexander’s work is an excellent example of a chronicle - chartulary, a genre that developed notably in the 12th and 13th centuries. From a literary point of view - excluding, of course, the diplomatic parts - it is no mean achievement. Especially in the opening and final parts of each of the six books comprising the work, Alexander demonstrates that he has a fair command of Latin, quoting classical authors here and there. It is interesting to note that the historical accounts he draws on include that of William of Apulia.



- Il Chronicon di San Bartolomeo di Carpineto, ed. E. Fuselli, L'Aquila, 1996.


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