
Gilbert Maminot, Bishop of Lisieux († August 1101)

The career of this bishop of Lisieux (1077) is only known through Orderic Vitalis. He was the son of a modest knight. William the Conqueror honoured him for his medical knowledge which, like all scientific disciplines then, were taught in the monastic or episcopal schools. William of Volpiano had, in particular, introduced the teaching of medicine to Fécamp. Gilbert became chaplain to the king and his personal doctor. He led the life of a great lord, as a courtly personality with a love of hunting, and more devoted to science than theology and preaching. His teaching of astronomy, astrology and mathematics did, however, transform Lisieux into an intellectual centre of note.

Bibliography :

- François Neveux. - La Normandie des ducs aux rois, Xe-XIIe s. - Rennes : Ouest-France, 1998.
- Michel de Boüard. - Guillaume le Conquérant. - Paris : Fayard, 1984.

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