Saint-Martin de Boscherville (Seine-Maritime)
Abbey of St Georges

showing the childhood of Christ

12th  century 

This capital which is of the same technique and origin as the capital with musicians (with the influence of Chartres transmitted by sculptors originating from the Ile de France), crowned a group of four columns grouped together. Different scenes of the childhood of Christ are sculpted on its basket: the Annunciation, the Visitation, the Nativity, the Revelation to the Shepherds, the Massacre of the Innocents, and the Presentation at the Temple.

Dimensions of the object
h.: 25 cm , w.: 40 cm ; depth: 40 cm

- Exhibition : Trésors des abbayes normandes, Rouen-Caen, 1979, n°209, p.171

Musée départemental des Antiquités de Rouen, Seine-Maritime
inv. 139

François Dugué, Rouen