Gaming piece consisting of a part for gripping riveted onto a flattened cone base. The piece is moulded and decorated with incisions. The manufacturing technique suggests multiple production but this is the only piece found at the site. There is nothing to indicate that it was manufactured at the site. The use of metal would suggest a certain degree of luxury.
Dimensions of the object
H. 44 mm ; D. 33mmBibliography
- Decaëns, J, La Motte d'Olivet à Grimbosq (Calvados), résidence seigneuriale du XIe s. - Archéologie médiévale, XI, 1981, p. 167-201Location
Musée de Normandie, Caen, Calvados
D. 85 6 055, Dépôt D.R.A.C. de Basse-Normandie