Caen (Calvados)

Lapidary fragments

12th century 

Although the castle of Caen today only one retains vestiges from the Romanesque period such as the Exchequer room and some parts of the church of Saint-Georges, many lapidary fragments from the 12th century have been found sparsely distributed over the site, stored and then "forgotten" by the soldiers who occupied the castle up to 1944. It is possible that the fragments presented here originate from different chapels referred to in the castle from the Romanesque period and now lost. They do bear witness however to the monumental richness of the castle of Caen.

- Marin J.Y, Levesque J.M. et al., Mémoires du Château de Caen, Catalogue de l'exposition "Redécouvrir le château de Caen. Mille ans de vie et d'architecture", éditions  Skira, juin  2000.

Musée de Normandie, Caen, Calvados
 Dépôt du S.R.A. de Basse-Normandie