Mileto Vecchia, abbey church of the Trinity

Doorpost (fragment)

Second half of the 11th century.

    Block of white marble on the side of which is carved a scaly animal representing the fabulous basilisk. The basilisk is the "little prince of demons", symbolizing the Antichrist. The figuration is similar to the ever-present depictions of Evil in the borders of the Romanesque decorations (illuminations, modillions, carved capitals). This carved fragment was reemployed following transformations to the 17th c. church. What purpose it originally served is not known.

Dimensions of the object
39 x 55 x 34 cm.

- I Normanni, popolo d'Europa, Roma-Venezia, 1994, Mario d'Onofrio (dir.) , n° 298.
- Italie des Normands, Normandie des Plantagenêts, Musée de Normandie, Caen, 1995, n° 30.

Mileto, Museo provinciale

Photography : D.R.