Bronze coin (follaro) struck under the reign of William II (1166-1189). The coin bears no inscription but some figures evoking the territories in which these follari were produced: on the obverse, a palm-tree, on the reverse, the head of an animal, probably a lion, a decorative theme that was widespread in Norman Sicily, and beyond in the Mediterranean, Byzantine and Arabic world.
Dimensions of the object
Diameter 23 mm; weight 9.58 g
- "L'età normanna e sveva in Sicilia", catalogo
della mostra storico-documentaria e bibliografica. Organizzata dall'Assemblea Regionale
Siciliana nel
Palazzo dei Normanni a Palermo, 1994 (Monete serie III a cura di M. De
Palermo, Biblioteca comunale
G. Cappellani