
Golden coin
tari of Robert Guiscard

1072 A.D. - 464 A.H.

    Gold coin (quarter dinar, called the tarì) struck in Sicily, by order of "Duke Robert, illustrious Lord of Sicily" according to the inscription in Arabic, in the field, on the coin's obverse. The circular legend around the edge of the coin provides, also in Arabic, an indication of place and date "... in Sicily, in the year 464", of the Moslem calendar, i.e. 1072, the year Palermo was taken. The inscription in the field, on the reverse, is an invocation to Allah and his prophet and the circular legend bears the text of a verse of a sura from the Koran. The conqueror thus deliberately used a type of coinage for Moslem Sicily

Dimensions of the object
D. 14 mm ; 0,98 g

 - B. La Gumina "Catalogo delle monete arabe esistenti nella Biblioteca Comunale di Palermo", Palermo; 1892
- "L'età normanna e sveva in Sicilia", Catalogo della mostra storico-documentaria e bibliografica. Organizzata dall' Assemblea Regionale Siciliana nel Palazzo dei Normanni a Palermo, 1994 (Monete serie III a cura di M. De Luca)

Palerme, Biblioteca Comunale

G Cappellani