Unknown origin


First half of the 12th century 

This modillion of unknown origin was carved in limestone during the first half of the 12thcentury.
A dog (or wolf) seems to be biting its own paw. The modelling remains rather cursory, but the fangs are clearly shown, and the graphical representation of the head emphasises the exertion of the animal whose widely open mouth is emphasised by a series of well-delineated wrinkles.

Dimensions of the object
H. 0.21 m ; l.  0.15 m ; Prof. 0.36 m  

- Loisel C, Inventaire de la collection lapidaire romane réunie par la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie, Mémoire de maîtrise, Université de Caen, 1972
- Thybert H, Inventaire du lapidaire roman du Musée de Normandie, Association Caen-Archéologie, 1992

Musée de Normandie, Caen, Calvados
DSAN 83 1218 104, Dépôt de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie