Collections of the Musée de Normandie
The bequest of the Musée de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie (Museum of the Society of Antiquaries of Normandy)
Romanesque sculptures and architectural fragments

Caen, Hôtel-Dieu.

The existence of the Hôtel-Dieu is attested from 1160 but its creation was probably earlier than this and due to Henri II Plantagenêt. It was intended to minister to the poor and has also been referred to as the hospital of Saint-Antoine and Saint-Thomas. During the 12th century, it was run by a prior assisted by five canons and ten monks. All the constructions and land that make up the Hôtel-Dieu comprise a ground plan of over 20,000 m2. During the 13th century a large vaulted hall was built 120 m by 31 m, which is taken to be the first major gothic construction in Caen. The renovations to the Singer district in 1830 led to the destruction of the Hôtel-Dieu. The lapidary fragments presented here originate from the chapel of the Hôpital and were recovered during this process of destruction.


Caen, Hôtel-Dieu : lapidary fragments

Fin du XIIème siècle

Springing stone
Fin du XIIème siècle