Liste des sites du Vexin

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(canton of Gisors, Eure)


    The castle of Neaufles-Saint-Martin has numerous features in common with the castles of the Epte frontier. It was built below its tributary the Lévrière, between Gisors and Neufmarché, to reinforce the line of defence against the French fortresses of Trie, Courcelles, Boury and further down Chaumont-en-Vexin.
The large keep on the motte was built at the end of the 11th century after an initial wooden fortification. The archive accounts for the repairs and improvements undertaken under the reign of Henry II Plantagenet have been partly preserved (1180-1184).
The castle, dismantled in the 17th century retained its tower on the motte, which was partly broken open. It is 20 m high, with a diameter of 14 m, and housed three floors on floorboards opened by bonded oculi.
The walls surrounding the motte and tower have disappeared, but deep ditches and earth enclosures can still be seen, delimiting a vast bailey and protecting the motte, on the plateau side.


- Mesqui, Jean. “ Neaufles-Saint-Martin ”, Châteaux et fortifications en France. - Paris : Flammarion, 1997.
- “ Neaufles-Saint-Martin ”. Annuaire des cinq départements de la Normandie, 1966, p. 52.
- Renoux, Annie. “ Résidences et châteaux ducaux normands au XIIe siècle, l’apport des sources comptables et des données archéologiques ”. L’architecture normande au moyen âge, actes du colloque de Cerisy-la-Salle, septembre 1994. - Caen : Presses de l'Université. Condé-sur-Noireau : Ch. Corlet, 1997, p. 197-217