Liste des sites du Cotentin

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(Canton of Carentan, Manche)

Church of Saint-André

    The current church of Saint-André-de-Bohon consists of a nave preceded by a porch, a transept, a choir with flat chevet and two chapels in the corners formed by the transept and the choir. The tower, which was formerly located above the crossing of the transept, collapsed in 1960 and was rebuilt in the cemetery.
The gothic church however, on the interior, retains a Romanesque lintel from the beginning of the 12th century which has been re-used above the south door of the nave. Two lions, with their tails passing between their hind legs, confront each other either side of a palm tree, with the tree determining an axis of symmetry. The representation of these animals either side of a stylised vegetation motif is a theme which is oriental in inspiration, of the type also found on the east door of the church of Bully, in a quoin in the nave of the cathedral of Bayeux or on the chevet gable in the church of Courcy.


- Art roman dans la région de Saint-Lô, Art de Basse-Normandie, n° 98, p. 14
- Musset, Lucien. - Normandie romane, Zodiaque, La Pierre-Qui-Vire, 1987, T. I, p. 297
- Les siècles romans en Basse-Normandie, Art de Basse-Normandie, n° 92, printemps 1985, p. 130