

Troina Enna

1078 -1080

    The Cathedral of Troina was the seat of the first Latin-Norman bishopric, founded by Count Ruggero the Great in 1080. According to the chronicler G. Malaterra, masons gathered from everywhere worked for this building "...Caementarios undecumque aggregat" (Malaterra III 19). The original plan is a typical example of Sicilian-Norman architecture of the first period (County, Contea). The plan is of a Latin basilica with three naves ending in three apses: two are lateral, on the projecting arms of the transept, and the third is a central pre-eminent one. The present aspect is the result of various transformations over time.

Vittorio Noto

G. Cleofe Canale, "la Cattedrale di Troina", Palermo, 1951

Melo Minnella Palermo