Caen (Calvados)
Church of St Julien


12th century

Capital in limestone with a corbel decorated with almond motifs. The upper part of these is decorated with a hollow four-pointed star carved out of a semicircle. On the astragal there is a graffiti inscription in cursive letters: "In festiuitate Cathe(drae) S(an)c(t)i Pet(ri)" - In the feast of the chair of Saint Peter -

Dimensions of the object
H.  0.33 m ; l.  0.52 m ; Prof. 0.51 m ; Diam. ast. 0.35 m  

- Marin J.Y, Leroux P, Margerie P, Rapport de synthèse des fouilles archéologiques menées fossés Saint-Julien sur l'emplacement de l'église paroissiale, Caen, 1991

Musée de Normandie, Caen, Calvados
D 90 2 341, Dépôt du S.R.A. de Basse-Normandie